Old Fashion Potluck Picnic Fun and Games – Sat, August 31st

This month, we return to the old fashion fun of a traditional potluck picnic with plenty of opportunities for sports and games for parents and kids of all ages. There will be some huge, beachball volleyball, four-way soccer, and a wacky costume dance party (costumes provided) followed by some line dances and a bonfire if people would enjoy it.

Last month’s water games were loads of fun and while we may not (or we might) turn the sprinkler on this time, we’ll probably have another game of Gold Rush! Thank you to all who participated, we know you had fun.

Please bring a main dish and side dish or desert to share along with serving utensils. Drinks and cold water will be provided along with plates, bowls, and utensils. Several benches and tables will be available as well as an assortment of lawn chairs, but you are encouraged to bring yours. We should have enough power for electric pots to keep food warm.


311 Brandonwood Dr.
Johnson City, TN 37604

Date & Time

Sat, August 31st, 5:00 – 9:00

Our events are located in the meadow at Steele Haven under the big event tent located there. Parking is designated and visitors are strongly encouraged not to park along the road, along the driveway, or in the bottom land near the creek.

The event will start at 5:00 with instructions and games and general getting-to-know-you activities for children and parents. Feel free to arrive early to help setup or to meet others, but everyone attending should plan to arrive by 6:00 as we will give thanks for our food and eat at that time.

Invite Other Families

We are sure that there are other wonderful families who share our common faith in Jesus and desire to grow healthy families together, so please feel free to invite a family to join us. Or maybe there is a family who are drawing nearer to Jesus and you would like to invite them as well. Please do so!

Rules & Regulations

This event is intended to be family-friendly and Jesus-honoring. And while we make no judgement about their use, we ask that you bring no alcohol or drugs and that no minors may carry or use firearms or weapons (sorry boys, those sheath knives have to stay at home). The event and all attendees are required to stay in the meadow and are not permitted to go up to the barn or the main houses or into the woods or on the train tracks. The boundary of our property is the driveway and guests are asked to remain on the east side at all times. There is an historic cemetery on the property and attendees are encouraged to respectfully view the headstones and the history that they tell. A portable toilet will be available so boys, please don’t go off to pee in the woods. All children should strive to be gentlemen and ladies towards one another and parents are encouraged to chaperone any children at the event as though they were their own.

More Info

If you have further questions, please send email to info@jcfamilies.org or call or text (423) 212-9014 and preface your text with your full name and we’ll get back to you.

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