Camp Out to Celebrate the King of Camping – Fri, October 4-6th

In the Bible, the Israelites were instructed to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles by traveling to Jerusalem and by living in booths, tents, or temporary structures called sukkot to remember the 40 years when the Israelites lived in tents in the wilderness.

This is also the likely time when Jesus was born and became Emmanuel, “God with us,” and came to tabernacle with mankind.

Your family is invited to join ours as we camp out for the weekend in the middle of this week-long festival. We’ll setup tents, and you are welcome to do the same in various campsites prepared for you or to just bring a sleeping bag or a cot and sleep under the stars or if it rains, under our giant “sukkah” tent! Families are encouraged to bring materials and come build a traditional sukkah if they choose.

Throughout the weekend, we will provide some teachings from Bible scholars on Jesus Revealed in the Jewish Festivals and where we are in the Jewish Calendar.


Bring a tent or a place to change clothes in privacy; we will have a portable toilet, but that’s not a good place for changing and our house and barn will not be open to the public.

Bring food for the duration of your stay; we will provide a large propane grill, a large propane griddle, minimal power for food warmers, and a large fire pit for cooking as well as plenty of drinking water.

Bring your toiletries; we will have a common sink with running water for dishes and washing, but no showers are available.

Come prepared to share, learn, and worship Jesus; there will be plenty of fun with lights out in the big tent at 11:00pm, but there will be opportunities to learn through teaching and videos and Bible study as well as a morning worship service on Sunday.


311 Brandonwood Dr.
Johnson City, TN 37604

Date & Time

Fri, October 4-6th, 4:00pm Fri – All Day Sat – 10:00am Sunday

Our events are located in the meadow at Steele Haven under the big event tent located there as well as in several campsites situated through the meadow. Parking is designated and visitors are strongly encouraged not to park along the road, along the driveway, or in the bottom land near the creek.

Please Reserve Your Spot!

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Invite Other Families

We are sure that there are other wonderful families who share our common faith in Jesus and desire to grow healthy families together, so please feel free to invite a family to join us. Or maybe there is a family who are drawing nearer to Jesus and you would like to invite them as well. Please do so!

Rules & Regulations

This event is intended to be family-friendly and Jesus-honoring. And while we make no judgement about their use, we ask that you bring no alcohol or drugs and that no minors may carry or use firearms or weapons (sorry boys, those sheath knives have to stay at home). The event and all attendees are required to stay in the meadow and are not permitted to go up to the barn or the main houses or into the woods or on the train tracks. The boundary of our property is the driveway and guests are asked to remain on the east side at all times. There is an historic cemetery on the property and attendees are encouraged to respectfully view the headstones and the history that they tell. A portable toilet will be available so boys, please don’t go off to pee in the woods. All children should strive to be gentlemen and ladies towards one another and parents are encouraged to chaperone any children at the event as though they were their own.

More Info

If you have further questions, please send email to or call or text (423) 212-9014 and preface your text with your full name and we’ll get back to you.

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